"Let Me Finish" said............

Hey people! I want you to meet someone that I was reintroduced to recently. She is often known by many, yet forgotten by most. She likes to take her time in getting the job done. People often question her wisdom because she tends to allot more time to her work than most of us ever desire. She is very patient and can sometimes be viewed as "wanting her way all the time". While some people have this view of her, as I've gotten to know her I've realized that she operates in the manner that she does because she only wants whats best for others. She has been given a special mission from God. God has equipped her with a boat load of wisdom, patience, and maturity. If you haven't had the "pleasure" of meeting her yet, you will soon, Trust me. For now, I'll just give you her name.

My friends....... I'd like you to meet, Perseverance.

On September 15, 2014, I accepted a new job in Chicago. Prior to taking the job I had been living in Indianapolis, IN for the last 5 years or so. My time in Indy was so great and such a pivotal season of my life. God used that time to grow and mature me in ways that I wouldn't have ever imagined. I met so many great people that eventually became my extended family, life long partners in crime (the good kind). Now I am walking into a new season here in Chicago and, quickly, I have learned that whenever you are following God's plan for your life, everything isn't always peaches & cream (or Tortillas and Cheese with syrup if I had it my way). 

Moving up to Chicago, things started off pretty well. I was given a new job that I love, surrounded by loved ones, had just gotten my car fixed, and had some housing options lined and ready to go. Then....... Cue music:

"Oh when it all, it all falls downI'm telling you ohh, it all falls down" -All Falls Down; Kanye West

Aaaaaaaand, it did. My car stopped working, my housing options fell through, money started getting low, and my work load began its accent all at once. Since moving here I've had a few tough/frustrating moments but isn't that what tends to happen when things don't go the way we plan them? Sure it is. Three things that never "fell down" we're having the support of loved ones, my new job, and most of all God's presence in it all. 

After all these things began to go down, thats when I bumped into Perseverance. Up until this point, my view of her was very skewed. So we sat and talked for a while and she began to explain to me the special mission that God has given her to bring out the best in others. She did so by sharing this passage with me:

 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." -James 1:2-4

 After hearing this, it all started to make sense. I began to experience the peace of God and my heart was filled with Joy. I realized that God had been walking with me through all of the hard times that I had been facing (and still currently facing actually but I'm good! lol). Then she went on to say this, "God has allowed the enemy (Satan) to test your faith, for one, because He loves you and believes in YOU, and secondly, so that you could bump into to me! Therefore, making you mature and complete, not lacking anything as you navigate through this new season that He has you in. So pleeeeeeease just "LET ME FINISH!".

Thanks for the reminder Kolby.

Chris T.